My prince, Logan! Wearing a princess crown (currently available in our store)!
Lots and lots to post!
Three Boy Mama is still active on The Whole SHEBang congo; you can see our wares at the link below. Most recently, I did a birthday party at the home of our children's minister at church; her daughter turned 12, and I took a bunch of beads & things there, and let the girls all make a bracelet. I also made wire charms in the shapes of music notes & a treble clef (for the birthday girl) for them to use on their bracelets. They had fun, and so did I! I love kids, even giggly 12 year old ones! (Oh, and in case you wondered, I am fully aware that the treble clef was turned around backwards in the pic. Annoying, but true.)

And all the woolies, good gracious! Katrina's pair finally done (Liz single-ply purewool), a pair for Leidy (Nurturing Threads Iced Giraffes), and two pairs for Lamar (WWbN Secret Garden, and Lamar's own Known colorway for her coming babe, Andrew). And shorties for Jenny in Selah's Little Wolf, and nb/small longies for Janine in WWbN Silver & Black Rainbow. Whee!! What fun I've had knitting such beautiful colorways! And lots more to come; I've got a lot on my plate, but I'm chugging away! I also just got done making samples (cell charms, keychains, a few pairs of earrings) for The Spotted Box in March. I'm also going to include some keychain woolies, as well! Oh, and the pic below of the little chocolate cherry shorties? Those are a small, and can be found in my store at The Whole SHEBang. :o)